Structural Engineering

Structural engineering is the branch of engineering concerned with the design, analysis, optimization, and monitoring of civil, mechanical, aerospace, geotechnical, maritime, and offshore structures. It requires knowledge and competence in the areas of materials and mechanics, applied across the range of individual components to entire structural systems.

Department Focus

The instructional and research programs of the department are grouped into four programmatic focus areas: civil structures, aerospace and composite structures, SHM/NDE (structural health monitoring/nondestructive evaluation), and geotechnical engineering. Both the undergraduate and graduate programs are characterized by strong interdisciplinary relationships with the Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, the Materials Science Program, and associated campus institutes such as the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials, California Space Institute, Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The program and curricula of the Department of Structural Engineering will educate and train engineers in a holistic approach to structural systems engineering by emphasizing and building on the commonality of engineering structures in materials, mechanics, analysis and design across the engineering disciplines of civil, aerospace, marine, and mechanical engineering.

Although structural engineering is traditionally viewed as an activity within civil engineering, in actuality many other engineering disciplines such as aerospace, marine (naval, offshore), and mechanical engineering contain well established discipline-specific structural systems and components. In all of the various engineering disciplines there exists a large commonality in the structural materials used, in the general principles of structural mechanics, in the overall design philosophy and criteria, and in the modeling and analysis tools employed for the numerical quantification and visualization of structural response. Particularly, small disciplinary differences in materials and computational tools are rapidly disappearing with the civil engineering community opening up to new structural materials developed and used to date primarily in the aerospace industry, and with computational developments which are less product specific but more geared toward a holistic structural systems design approach with interactive graphics, object-oriented database management and concurrent visualization and data processing. Developments in overall structural systems design are increasingly cross-disciplinary over many traditional engineering areas.

The Undergraduate Program

Degree and Program Options

The Department of Structural Engineering offers a unique engineering program leading to the bachelor of science degree in structural engineering. The BS in structural engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The BS programs require a minimum of 145 units, plus college general-education requirements in humanities and social sciences.

The structural engineering program of study has strong components in laboratory experimentation, numerical computation, and engineering design. Design is emphasized throughout the curricula by open-ended homework problems, by laboratory and computer courses that include student-initiated projects, and finally, by senior design project courses that involve teams of students working to solve engineering design problems brought in from industry. The structural engineering program is designed to prepare students receiving a bachelor’s degree for professional careers or for graduate education in their area of specialization. In addition, the program can also be taken by students who intend to use their undergraduate engineering education as preparation for postgraduate professional training in nontechnical fields such as business administration, law, or medicine.

Structural engineering is concerned with the design, analysis, optimization, and monitoring of civil, mechanical, aerospace, geotechnical, maritime, and offshore structures. Examples include but certainly aren’t limited to bridges, dams, buildings, aircraft, spacecraft, drones, ships, oil platforms, automobiles, and other transportation vehicles. This field requires a thorough knowledge of the behavior of solids (concrete, soils, rock, metals, plastics, and composite materials), fluid mechanics as it relates to structural loads, dynamics as it relates to structural response to time-dependent loads, mathematics for the generation of theoretical structural models and numerical analysis codes, and computer science for simulation purposes associated with computer-aided design, response analyses, and data acquisition. Basic understanding of materials behavior and structural performance is enhanced by laboratory courses involving static and dynamic stress failure tests of structural models, and response of structural systems. Within this area, students can specialize in (a) civil structures, (b) aerospace structures, (c) SHM/NDE, or (d) geotechnical engineering.

Major Requirements

Five major degree codes are available within the BS program in the department.

SE27. Structural Engineering

And four specializations:

SE28 (CS). Structural Engineering with a Specialization in Civil Structures (CS)

SE29 (AS). Structural Engineering with a Specialization in Aerospace Structures (AS)

SE30 (GE). Structural Engineering with a Specialization in Geotechnical Engineering (GE)

SE31 (SHM/NDE). Structural Engineering with a Specialization in Structural Health Monitoring/Non-destructive Evaluation (SHM/NDE)

Students will apply to the existing structural engineering (SE27) major and then will have the option to decide to switch to one of the specialization majors listed above by the end of the junior year. The initial enrollment in SE27 should provide students with time and information to help them decide whether they want to specialize and the freedom to decide in which area they would prefer to specialize. However, in order to prevent any impact on the time to degree, only a single selection of a specialization degree will be allowed. Students who do not wish to pursue a specialization are free to do so by remaining in the existing structural engineering major SE27.

Specific course requirements for the major are outlined in a table herein. In addition to the required technical courses specifically indicated, a suggested scheduling of general education courses (GE) is distributed in the curricula for students to use to meet college general education requirements. To graduate, students must maintain an overall GPA of at least 2.0, and the department requires at least a C– grade in each course required for the major. All courses required for the major must be taken for a letter grade. This includes all lower-division math and science courses as well as the technical electives (TE).

Deviations from the program of study must be approved by the Undergraduate Affairs Committee prior to taking alternative courses. In cases where a student needs to take a course outside UC San Diego, prior departmental approval is essential. TE courses are restricted to meet ABET standards. In addition, technical elective course selections must have departmental approval prior to taking the courses. Courses such as SE 195, SE 197 and SE 198 are not allowed as technical electives in meeting the upper-division major requirements. SE 199 can be used as a technical elective only under restrictive conditions. Policies regarding these conditions may be obtained from the department’s undergraduate advising office. Students with different academic preparations may vary the scheduling of lower-division courses such as math, physics and chemistry, but should consult the department prior to doing so. Deviations in scheduling lower-division structural engineering courses are discouraged due to scheduling constraints. A tentative schedule of course offerings is available from the department each spring quarter for the following academic year.

General Education/College Requirement

For graduation, each student must satisfy general-education course requirements determined by the student’s college, as well as the major requirements determined by the department. The seven colleges at UC San Diego require widely different general-education courses, and the number of such courses differs from one college to another. Each student should choose his or her college carefully, considering the special nature of the college and the breadth of general education.

The structural engineering program allows for thirteen general-education (GE) courses so that students can fulfill their college requirements. Students must develop a program that includes a total of at least twenty-four units in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, not including subjects such as accounting, industrial management, finance, or personnel administration. It should be noted, however, that some colleges may require more than, or less than, the thirteen GE courses indicated in the curriculum table. Students in colleges that require more than thirteen GE courses may take longer to graduate than the indicated four-year schedule. Students must consult with their college to determine which GE courses to take.

Professional Licensing

All students are encouraged to take the Engineering-in-Training (EIT) examination as the first step in becoming licensed as a professional engineer (PE). Students graduating from an accredited program can take the PE examination after EIT certification and two years of work experience. Please see the “professional licensing” tab on the department’s webpage.

For further information please contact your local Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists or visit

Department of Structural Engineering Mission

Our mission is to advance the structural engineering profession through research, teaching, and service by integrating engineering mechanics theories, computational modeling simulations, experimental testing observations, and practical design concepts.

Department of Structural Engineering Vision

Our faculty and students aspire to be internationally renowned leaders in analyzing, designing, simulating, visualizing, optimizing, monitoring, and assessing the behavior and environmental interactions of structures and structural materials for a holistic perspective, including those used in civil, geotechnical, aerospace, naval, marine, energy, and biological applications.

Program Mission and Objectives

The BS in structural engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Accreditation is an assurance that the program meets established quality standards.

BS Structural Engineering Objectives

Program objectives represent graduates’ performance three to five years after completing the BS program. Graduates will:

  1. Retain a strong grasp of engineering fundamentals and critical thinking skills that enable them to consistently and successfully apply structural engineering principles within their chosen career path.
  2. Embrace a passion for lifelong learning, empowering them to continue with graduate education and/or embark on successful professional careers in industry leading to professional licensure and leadership positions.
  3. Possess a broad set of multidisciplinary skills, including the inclination and ability to consider sustainability, resilience, and socioeconomic community needs to accomplish professional objectives in a rapidly changing technological world.
  4. Have a clear understanding of ethical issues pertaining to engineering and adopt industry standards of ethical behavior.
  5. Utilize strong communication and collaboration skills essential for professional practice.

BS Structural Engineering Outcomes

Program outcomes are the expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors of students at the time of completing the BS program:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Students in the four specialization degree codes will follow the same core course sequence as in the degree code SE27 given in the following table. The main difference among the four specialization major degree codes is the focus sequence courses taken in the junior and senior years and the capstone course(s) in the senior year: Students in the specialization SE29 (AS) will take the aerospace focus sequence and the SE 143A-B capstone courses; students in the specialization SE28 (CS) will take the civil engineering focus sequence and the SE 140A-B capstone courses; students in the specialization SE30 (GE) will take the geotechnical engineering focus sequence and the SE 140A-B capstone courses; and students in the specialization SE31 (SHM/NDE) will take the SHM/NDE focus sequence and the SE 165 as the capstone course. Students in the structural engineering major SE27 can choose any of the focus sequences and the corresponding capstone course(s). A list of the focus sequence courses, capstone courses, and technical electives for the five degree codes follows the table.